Figs are the fruit of the ficus tree, which is part of the mulberry family (Moraceae), originally grown in South Asian countries. Figs have a unique, sweet taste, soft and chewy texture and are littered with slightly crunchy, edible seeds. They are now available in many parts of the world, for the most part in their dried form. While dried figs are heavenly, fresh figs are nutritiously predominant. Fresh figs contain far not so much sugar but rather more fiber, so always pick them over their dried forms. Figs are more than just delicious fruits, they’re also extremely nutritious. These seven medical advantages of figs will give you more motivations to stock up on them.
Figs are rich in powerful antioxidants. Antioxidants forestall free radical damage and protect your cells. They prevent premature aging, keeps your skin healthy and your organs functioning properly. Eating figs often can protect your body from cancer and help you live a healthy life.
If your sweet tooth is your biggest shortcoming, then figs could support you to conquer it. Figs not only are delectably sweet fruits but are also low in calories. They are fiber-rich, which can help you to feel full. With figs, only a few of them will help you to fulfill your sweet yearnings, but without tempting you to overindulge.
The vast measure of dietary fiber in figs helps your body eliminate waste effectively. It contains both dissolvable and insoluble fiber, both of which our digestive system needs to eliminate waste effectively. Apart from helping in proper digestion, figs can also work as a natural laxative. In case you’re experiencing difficulty in the restroom, eating two or three figs could help speed things up for you.
In case you have been diagnosed with diabetes, then keeping your glucose stable is important. Figs are frequently prescribed to diabetic patients since they contain high amounts of potassium. Potassium manages the release of sugar into your circulatory system, ensuring that your sugar levels don’t get too high or too low.
Elevated amounts of cholesterol in your blood can cause plaque to form on the walls of your arteries. The more plaque that forms, the more contracted your blood vessel becomes. This limits the proper circulation of blood, raises your pulse and puts you at a danger of developing a coronary illness. Eating figs can help decrease your aggregate cholesterol levels. Pectin fiber in figs is an insoluble fiber. When you ingest it, it assimilates cholesterol in your blood and conveys it to your digestive organs, where it at that point gets discharged out of your body.
Figs contain a high measure of calcium, which is imperative for strong and healthy bones. If you have reached menopause, figs turn out to be much more important because you require all the calcium you can get. Because of the sudden dive in hormones after menopause, ladies start to lose their bone density, resulting in osteoporosis. This condition makes their bones fragile and inclined to break. Calcium in figs can keep this from happening and keep their bones healthy.
Figs come with a set of unique medical advantages. The most widely recognized use of fig leaves is to brew a tea that battles most respiratory concerns. The leaves are thought to eliminate bacteria, clear excess mucus and fight inflammation. Fig leaf tea has been believed to be particularly viable in treating bronchitis and in easing the symptoms of asthma.
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