Category: Amrutam medicines
Kuntal Care Malt- Herbal Remedy for Haircare
Kuntal Care Malt- Herbal Remedy for Haircare Kuntal Care Malt is a herbal remedy for hair care. It is a natural therapy for preventing hair loss. The key ingredients of Kuntal Care Malt are Bhringaraj, Sariva, Jatamansi, Dhatri loh and Chandi Bhasm. Kuntal Care Malt is very beneficial for smooth, silky and healthy hair, it…
Suffering from stomach problems? Try Zeo Malt to get instant relief from Indigestion
A very common stomach related problem is dyspepsia, which we all know as indigestion. It is generally described as an uncomfortable pain in our stomach or chest occurring usually after you have eaten something. In medicinal language, other common symptoms of indigestion include a sensation of feeling full and heavy (that generally happens when you…
अमृतम गोल्ड माल्ट – ताकत,तंदरुस्ती औऱ ऊर्जा-उमंग एवम तन,-मन की शक्ति हेतु अद्भुत असरकारक आयुर्वेदिक औषधि
अमृतम गोल्ड माल्ट शरीर को शीघ्र शक्ति प्रदान करता है ।एथेलीट, खिलाड़ी, पर्वतारोही, गोताखोर, फैक्टरियों के श्रमिकों, मजदूरों, मेहनतकश लोगों, किसान, कर्मचारियों, कमजोरी से पीड़ित कामकाजी ,घरेलू या गर्भवती महिलाओं, बच्चों,विकलांगों, रोग से असहाय रोगियों को रोग होने अथवा नहीं होने पर भी *अमृतम गोल्ड माल्ट* बिना किसी सलाह के जीवन भर लिया जा सकता…