Category: Amrutam Mythology & Indian Culture
मेरी सोच- आधुनिक दुनिया में महिलाओं के अधिकार
क्या महिलाओं का अपना वजूद होता है! क्या महिलाएँ अपना ख्याल रखती है! क्या महिलाओं को वह अधिकार मिलता है, जो उन्हें वास्तव में मिलना चाहिए! ख़रीदे ब्रैंकीगोल्ड अपने स्वस्थ्य और रोग प्रतिरोधक शक्ति के लिए- बीना किसी शिपिंग चार्जेज के
अ-उ-म (ओम) का वैज्ञानिक उच्चारण
शरीर को सदैव स्वस्थ सहज एवं सरल बनाने की प्रक्रिया है अ उ म का उच्चारण से मानसिक विकारों का विनाष उ से हृदयगत रोगो का विनाष और म के उच्चारण से पेट के समस्त रोगो से मुक्ति मिलति है।
Vrata | Significance of Fasting in Our Daily Lives | Learn with Amrutam
Today, we will learn about Vratas. You would have seen your family, observing Vrata during various occasions according to the Hindu Calendar. What are Vratas and why do people fast? A Simple Amrutam Understanding The Sanskrit meaning of the word Vrata is “vow, resolve, and devotion”. According to ancient Hindu scriptures, Vratas are referred to…
The Evil Eye- Myth or the Truth?
“Nazar lag jayegi” is a very common statement in the Indian Household. The nazar here, is the evil eye which is considered as a negative energy which could harm you. It is the gaze of an evil eye and henceforth, it is believed and considered important to keep yourself away from the gaze of the evil…
Thursdays with Amrutam are all about learning. Learning about various fabulous people, lords and gods and yogis associated with Ayurveda and Yoga. In the past few weeks, we have talked about Acharya Charaka, Sushruta, Lord Dhanwantri and Sage Bharadwaja. These four names are the ancient gods or rishis associated with the field of Ayurveda.
4 Amrutam Reasons Why You Should Ring the Bells
The clattering of temple bells, in every corner of your streets- is it a nuisance for you? Ringing the temple bells has been considered an auspicious practice since ancient times. We have 5 Amrutam reasons why these temple bells should not be a nuisance for you.
5 Amrutam Interesting Facts about Sage Bharadwaja
Bharadwaja, the ancient Rishi has been referred in Charaka Samhita as well. A renowned scholar, and economist- Rishi Bharadwaja, has been known as the first man to have studied medical science and Sage Bharadwaja was a teacher as well.
5 Amrutam Interesting Facts about Lord Dhanvantri
Lord Dhanvantri is the god of Ayurveda, interestingly according to Hindu mythology Lord Dhanvantri and the festival of Dhanteras,
6 Interesting Amrutam Things about Sushruta
In the series of notable men associated with Ayurveda, Sushruta finds his place high up on the ladder.
5 Secrets behind the mark on the forehead: Tilak
Amidst the jingle jangle and loud vibrations of temple bells, and the vibrations of mantras which have found there sacred space on all the Priests’ and devotees’ faces – a tilak is a symbol put on the forehead between the eyebrows. Here is why we have been putting the tilak/teeka across our foreheads for centuries…