Tag: Ayurveda
Brainkey Gold- For a happier life
There is so much stress these days. You are thinking about so many things at once- social media, lifestyle, traffic, career, relationships, money and with the burden of all of these things you are falling sick.
All you need to know about Sarpagandha: The Indian Snakeroot
Rauvolfia Serpentina in Latin, also known as Indian Snakeroot and Devil Pepper in English is a flower belonging to Apocynaceae family. It is known as Sarpagandha in Sanskrit. Sarpagandha grows in shady forests in India in the sub-Himalayan tracts up to a range of 1000 meters and it also grows in the lower ranges of…
मेरी सोच- आधुनिक दुनिया में महिलाओं के अधिकार
क्या महिलाओं का अपना वजूद होता है! क्या महिलाएँ अपना ख्याल रखती है! क्या महिलाओं को वह अधिकार मिलता है, जो उन्हें वास्तव में मिलना चाहिए! ख़रीदे ब्रैंकीगोल्ड अपने स्वस्थ्य और रोग प्रतिरोधक शक्ति के लिए- बीना किसी शिपिंग चार्जेज के
Learn few Amrutam Amazing facts about Amla- The Indian Gooseberry
Amla is also known as Emblica, Amalki and Emblica. Indian Gooseberry`s scientific name is Phyllanthus Emblica. Amla`s fruit preserve is used as a base for our Brainkey Gold Malt. Murabbas or sweet fruit preserve of Indian Gooseberry has been used since centuries in ancient traditional and folk Indian medicine. Buy Brainkey Gold Malt- A Natural…
दुनिया में अब विष ज्यादा-अमृत कम
हम प्रयासपूर्वक विष को त्यागे प्रश्न उपस्थित होता है कि क्या विष को त्यागने में प्रयास करना पडता है? हाँ, इस संसार की बडी अद्भुत गति है। विष को त्यागने में प्रयास तो अति साधारण स्तर है, विष को त्यागने में बडे-बडे, सन्त, महात्मा, योगी, ऋषि, मुनि भी असफल होते रहे हैं। हम में और…
What Music are you listening to?
Music has been an integral part of all of our lives. The sounds of nature creating beautiful symphonies have existed since the beginning of time. The chirping of bird, rustling of leaves and tap-tap music of your footsteps on the stairs, everything is music and has an impact on how we feel. The kind of…
अ-उ-म (ओम) का वैज्ञानिक उच्चारण
शरीर को सदैव स्वस्थ सहज एवं सरल बनाने की प्रक्रिया है अ उ म का उच्चारण से मानसिक विकारों का विनाष उ से हृदयगत रोगो का विनाष और म के उच्चारण से पेट के समस्त रोगो से मुक्ति मिलति है।
Are You a Caregiver? Know What is Caregiver's Burden with Amrutam
Hey you, How are you doing? Welcome to Amrutam`s Blog again and we are thankful to have you here again. It is only because of our readers that we keep on going and keep writing about everything that is healthy, ayurvedic, green and awesome. Did you get time to check out our range of malts?…
Rediscovering Ayurveda with Anu Kaley – Amrutam
REDISCOVERING AYURVEDA Rediscovering Ayurveda is Amrutam`s series of blogs which will include various men and women and their ideas about Ayurveda. Even though, India is the birthplace of Ayurveda, with passing time it has lost its original importance as a school of life amongst Indians and many a time have been limited to be referred…
Have you heard of Jawahar Mohra? A Magical Herb for your Mental Immunity
We are forgetting our nature, all that surrounds us and have created us. Nature has a cure for all your problems and has been recognized since centuries before. However, with modernization we have started building more and more industries, malls, techno-parks and what not but the forests are continuously on a decline. Today let us…