- आयुर्वेद के माधव निदान की माने, तो काम (कर्म WORK), व्यायाम यानि एक्सरसाइज और काम यानि सेक्स तीनों ही तनाव मिटाने में सहायक है।
- कलयुग में भौतिक सुख के लिए ताम झाम जैसे AC, कार, अखबार भी तनाव घटाते हैं।
- नासमझ, नकारा लोग राम राम कहकर तनाव से बचने को कोशिश करते हैं।
- शाम को दारू का जाम भी तनाव मुक्ति की दवा है। लेकिन ट्रैफिक के जाम में फस गए, तो तनाव झेलना ही पड़ेगा।
- जेब में श्याम यानि पैसा गरीब इंसान को परसू से परशुराम की तरह पूज्यनीय बनाकर तनाव मिटाता है।
- लिंग में कठोरता यानि ताव बन रहने से तनाव नहीं होता। जिनका जल्दी काम तमाम अर्थात शीघ्रपतन हो जाता है, वे भी तनाव से भरे मिलेंगे। गुप्त रोग से राहत हेतु BFeral Gold Malt गुगल पर सर्च करें।
- आवाम में परस्पर मेलजोल, भाईचारा बना रहे, तो भी तनाव उत्पन्न नहीं होता। जो लोग दोस्तों को भाई की तरह मानकर उसे चारा की तरह चार जाते हैं। इससे भी तनाव बढ़ जाता है।
- आयुर्वेद के नियमानुसार सुखा व्यायाम हड्डियों में रस, लुब्रिकेंट को सुखा सकता है। इसलिए ओषधि तेल की मालिश कर व्यायाम करने की सलाह दी गई है। मालिश को अभ्यंग कहा गया है, जो अंग अंग को मस्त मलंग कर देता है।
- अभ्यंग के लिए Kayakey Oil सर्वश्रेष्ठ ओषधि तेल है। अधिक जानकारी गुगल पर मिल जायेगी। फार्मूला और फायदे जाने के लिए अमेजन, amalaearth, myupchar और amrutam की वेवसाइट पर जाएं।
- अगर आप आयुर्वेद के सबसे बहुमूल्य तेल की मालिश करना चाहते हैं, तो Kumkumadi oil से अभ्यंग करवाएं। यह 12000/- का 200 ML आता है। यह केशर सहित 54 जड़ी बूटियों के सत्व से निर्मित होता है।
- Kumkumadi के जानकारी योग रत्नाकर ग्रंथ में मिलती है। इसकी खोज महर्षि अगस्त्य ने 5000 साल पहले की थी।
- शरीर में शक्ति, फुर्ती, स्फूर्ति के लिए यह लाजवाब ओषधि तेल है। इससे अंग का रंग निखरता है और हड्डियां मजबूत होती हैं। बुढ़ापा जल्दी नहीं आता। 60 साल तक यौवन बना रहता है।
नीचे की जानकारी गुगल से ली गई है
Amrutam Kumkumadi Oil | Ayurvedic Recipe for Skin Radiance
Amrutam’s Kumkumadi Oil is a saffron-infused ayurvedic face oil, when massaged gently onto the face, this rejuvenating golden oil seeps into the skin cells, imparting a healthy and glowing appearance.
- Do you have a dresser that’s mostly occupied with a wide range of skincare products? One for your dark circles, one for acne, one for random blemishes and one for dry skin, maybe? Oh, are there more? Like a night cream or something to get rid of suntans or stretch marks?
- How would you like it if we had a one-stop solution for all your skin problems? Would you love it if a teeny bottle of magic potion graced your dresser and took care of that long list of skin issues?
- From the house of Amrutam, we present to you our version of Amrutam Kumkumadi Oil (Tailam), a special blend of more than 25 rich herbal ingredients including Kesar (Saffron) and Rakta Chandana (Red Sandalwood). This particular tailam (oil) is one such enchanting elixir that can work wonders when used for a multitude of skin issues.
- An ancient and traditional Ayurvedic facial oil, it is also called the “Roop Mantra” of Ayurveda. The formula for Kumkumadi Oil was discovered thousands of years ago by the Ayurvedic scientist Maharishi Angarak. From the old Ayurvedic texts and books, it is known that Kumkumadi Oil has been used for long to soften and brighten the face. It is quite popular for bringing a shining radiance on your skin.
- Kumkumadi Oil was used in ancient times only in the households of rich and wealthy such as the Kings and Queens to enhance their beauty and also because it has been considered beneficial for centuries.
- Apart from being a beauty potion from the olden golden times, Amrutam Kumkumadi Oil (Tailam) also exhibits several therapeutic effects on your skin.
Here’s why you should opt for Amrutam’s Kumkumadi Oil:
Provides soft and glowing skin
Here’s why you should opt for Amrutam’s Kumkumadi Oil:
Provides soft and glowing skin
- The key ingredient in Amrutam Kumkumadi Oil (Tailam), Kesar, is popularly known to give out a golden glow to your skin if applied regularly. The application of this oil on your face, in circular motions, can increase the blood circulation and result in improving the radiance of the skin.
Brightens dull skin
- Since 5000 years, Kumkumadi Oil is being used to treat dull and damaged skin. Both the main ingredients of Kumkumadi Oil, Kesar and Chandan, are well known for their function to rejuvenate dull skin cells and also improving circulation of blood, which in turn results in brightening the skin complexion. Along with that, the skin lightening properties of Sandalwood helps in retrieving a smooth and glowing complexion.
Reduces hyperpigmentation of the skin
- Hyperpigmentation of the skin is usually caused by the increased melanin content in our skin. This can occur due to various reasons and one of them is the pollution that our skin has to battle daily. The skin brightening powers of Kesar and Chandan in Amrutam Kumkumadi Oil will help in the depigmentation of the skin. Therefore, be sure that using Kumkumadi Oil regularly can aid in getting rid of the dark spots on your skin.
Regulates oily skin
- Even though Amrutam Kumkumadi Oil (Tailam) is an oil, it can aid in regulating your oily skin by reducing the production of skin lipids which are responsible for causing oily skin. This will eventually result in a reduction of acne and clogged pores. Being a light oil, it is not much of a problem for those having oily skin.
Slows down skin aging
- Both the key ingredients of Amrutam Kumkumadi Oil (Tailam), Kesar and Chandan, are highly rich in anti-oxidants and thus, can fight the harmful effects of free radicals and beat the oxidative stress. This also aids in getting rid of loose and saggy skin, wrinkles on your face and hence, protects your skin from aging.
Removes suntan
- Suntan is an acquired darkening of the skin due to excessive exposure to the sun or due to exposure to the sun’s intensive rays. Other than causing a layer of tan on your skin, a suntan can also cause irreparable damage to your skin if not taken care of. The miraculous thing about this Kumkumadi Oil is that applying the oil to your tanned skin area overnight can remove the suntan.
Natural Sunscreen
- Not only does this oil aids in removing suntans but Kumkumadi Oil can also act as a natural sunscreen by protecting against UV rays.
Hydrates the skin and keeps it moisturized
- The powerful blend of several Ayurvedic herbs in Kumkumadi Oil helps in hydrating your skin and acts as a natural moisturizer. This especially works in combating dry skin too.
Eliminates dark circles
- Due to its skin brightening properties, the regular application of Amrutam Kumkumadi Oil overnight will make those dark circles disappear sooner than you can imagine.
Fights acne
- The herbs in Kumkumadi Oil like Kesar and Chandan are full of anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory properties which can result in treating acne-prone skin effectively. This oil is suitable for all types of skin and easily takes care of a lot of skin problems single-handedly.
Boosts self-confidence
- Kumkumadi Oil treats all such skin problems that can take a toll on your self-confidence. The key ingredients of this herbal oil also help in relieving stress apart from promoting a smooth and glowing skin which in turn will only boost your confidence in tackling life every day.
Provides relief from skin itching
- The soothing function of the sandalwood in Amrutam Kumkumadi Oil helps in providing relief from skin itching and skin irritation.
Enhances skin radiance
- Gradually, our skin is becoming more and more lackluster day by day. This is happening especially due to lack of vitamin C in the body and the use of synthetic skin products which may provide temporary beauty results but can rob essential nutrients off of your skin. Your skin radiance can diminish due to a lot of other reasons as well as lack of sleep, digestion problems and even mental and emotional disturbances. However, Kumkumadi Oil can help in getting rid of most of these issues and in turn bringing back your lost radiant skin.
- How to use Kumkumadi Oil for a face massage?
- Clean your face with lukewarm water and pat it dry.
- Taking a few drops of Kumkumadi Oil on your palm, start applying it on your face and neck area.
- Massage the oil on your face in circular and upward motions for about fifteen minutes.
- Let it rest for another fifteen minutes.
- Then you can wipe off the excess oil with a cotton ball or a wet face towel.
- It is recommended for those who have oily skin, to use a minimum amount of oil to avoid greasiness. You’re most likely to get the best results if you keep the oil on your face overnight.
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