हाथ, पैर, कमर, जोड़ों और घुटनों के दर्द का आयुर्वेदिक उपाय बताएं

  • वात रोगों का सटीक इलाज केवल आयुर्वेद में ही उपलब्ध है। अप तीन महीने आर्थो की गोल्ड माल्ट और कैप्सूल का सेवन करें और आर्थो की पैन ऑयल की मालिश करें।
  • जोड़ों में दर्द रक्त संचार के अवरूद्ध होने के कारण होता है और घुटनों में दर्द शरीर का रस या चिकनाहट (लुब्रिकेंट) सूखने के बाद होता है।
  • ये सब विकार वात रोगों के अंतर्गत आए हैं। वात व्याधि 88 तरह की होती हैं। कमर दर्द, सिरदर्द, थायराइड आदि शरीर की ये सब समस्याएं वात व्याधि कहलाती हैं।

Orthokey Basket– An Ayurvedic Basket for all your Orthopedic needs.

  • Orthokey Basket by Amrutam contains Orthokey Gold Capsules, Orthokey Gold Malt and Orthokey Pain Oil.
  • In Ayurveda, healthy bones and joints are a sign of balanced Vatta dosha. But in today’s pursuit of our dreams and ambitions, we tend to neglect our diet and health, which can weaken our joints. Our Orthokey Basket is your all-in-one solution for your orthopedic needs.
  • Amrutam’s Orthokey Gold Capsules are a rich source of calcium and other minerals that aid in treating orthopedic disorders. These Ayurvedic capsules for joint pain contain Swarn Bhasm, Yogendra Ras and Vraht Vat Chintamani Ras. Amrutam’s capsules for muscle health effectively n treating arthritis, fibrositis, lumbar spinal stenosis and frozen shoulder. It also aids in the treatment of thyroid because of its Vatta balancing properties.
  • Amrutam’s Orthokey Gold Malt contains Harshringar, Shudh Guggul, Swarn Bhasm, Yogendra Ras and Brahtvat Chintamani Ras. As one of the best herbal jams, Orthokey Gold Malt boosts bone health. This health care malt by Amrutam helps to treat joint pain, osteoporosis, muscle weakness or pain, chronic backaches and gout. It is also useful in treating thyroid-related issues because of its ability to balance the Vatta.
  • Amrutam’s Orthokey Pain Oil is effective in providing instant relief from any type of bodily discomfort.This muscle pain oil contains Gandhpura, Ajwain Sat, Kapoor, Pudina Sat and Lahsun. These ayurvedic ingredients have the ability to treat joint pain or muscle pain associated with arthritis, lumbago, sciatica, backache, muscle sprain and spasm. Massaging regularly using herbal pain oil by Amrutam can help relieve pain. All of your orthopedic needs may be met with traditional ayurvedic oil therapy.

How To Use

Orthokey Gold Capsules

  • Take one capsule with milk or water, twice a day.
  • Amrutam’s Orthokey Gold Capsules should be taken as directed by your physician.

Orthokey Gold Malt

  • Mix one or two tablespoons of herbal malt for orthopedic disorders with milk or 100-200 mls of warm water and then consume twice a day.
  • Amrutam’s Orthokey Gold Malt is not advisable for diabetic patients.
  • Should be taken as directed by your physician.

Orthokey Pain Oil

  • Gently massage the Ayurvedic joint pain oil by Amrutam in the affected area.
  • Orthokey Pain Oil is for external use only.


Orthokey Gold Capsules

  • Orthokey Gold Capsules can provide relief from cervical pain, joint pain, body pain and muscular pain.
  • Capsules for muscle health are effective in treating arthritis, fibrositis, lumbar spinal stenosis and frozen shoulder.
  • Amrutam’s bone health care capsules can also treat thyroid because of their ability to balance Vatta.

Orthokey Gold Malt

  • Amrutam’s herbal jam, Orthokey Gold Malt is useful in healing joint pain and swelling.
  • Helps in treating tingling in muscles.
  • Ayurvedic Malt for muscle pain by Amrutam helps to reduce muscle weakness in the joints.
  • Very useful in curing severe joint pain in osteoarthritis and osteoporosis, as well as in treating gout and chronic backaches.
  • Used for treating Thyroid because of its Vatta-balancing properties.

Orthokey Pain Oil

  • Amrutam’s Ayurvedic pain oil for muscle health is effective for arthritis-related joint discomfort, lumbago, sciatica, stiff neck, backache, muscle sprain and spasm.
  • Regular massaging using Orthokey Pain Oil can offer effective and immediate relief from any type of bodily discomfort.
  • उपरोक्त हर्बल दवाएं ८८ प्रकार के वात रोगों का शर्तिया इलाज है। जड़ से दूर करने के लिए तीन महीने तक लेवें।

आयुर्वेदिक विशेषज्ञ से बात करें!

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