Love yourself | Indulge in Self-Care this Valentine's day | Amrutam

Amrutam wishes you all a very happy Valentine’s day!

There are different reasons why everyone celebrates a festival, for some, it’s the historical and cultural meaning behind the festival and for some, it is the meaning we have learnt to attach with time.  The same goes for Valentine`s day, we never really actually learnt why and how this day of love and romance came into existence. We have learnt to appreciate this day as a day of love and romance.

Valentine`s day is named after a Saint, St. Valentine who was a Catholic priest living in Rome in the third century. A long long time before today, it was St. Valentine perhaps, who gave love a name. His love for the blind daughter of Emperor Claudius II is well known in all his legends.
Today, 14th of February is more than a day of historical celebration, it is more than the importance which St. Valentine`s attached to the idea and feeling of love. His might would have been the idea of love but over time we have come to realize the importance of love as a feeling.
And, love not just for your partner but love for everyone and firstly, yourself.

Do you love yourself enough? Do you take care of yourself? Have you made it a point to regularly indulge in self-care?

Self-Care is any activity that you perform to enhance and maintain your mental, emotional and physical health. Often, the idea of love has been associated with the other. In popular media, the television, radio or movies and even novellas are not far behind. The idea of love has always been associated with the other, we have always thought of love as something which we can give to others and get from others. Is it true? Can you only receive love only from others and give love only to others?
If that were true, we would be helpless emotional beggars for love, out here. Craving for one thing, which we need the most.

…now open your mind by closing your eyes
see the unseen world within you
From the poem ‘The Unseen World
― Munia Khan, Beyond The Vernal Mind

The truth is all the love that you need in this world lies, within you. All you need lies within you.
Someone had once greatly said- “Others will be able to love you only when you have learnt to love yourself”
Dear you, don’t wait- indulge in an extravagant love for yourself. Start with your body, we at Amrutam, believe that your body is a temple and we got to worship the gods within us and start to take care of your body. Take nice long warm showers every day with Amrutam Body Wash with original rose petal and aloe vera extracts. Warm showers are known to reduce the stress and also, soothe the stiff muscles.
Self-Care and Self-Love are two things which you must practice like zen. Taking care of your personal self should be a ritual you should indulge in extravagantly without having regrets to pick along with the care.
Amrutam has built a self-care basket for you to indulge extravagantly in self-care and love.
Made with love, the self-care basket consists of oils, body wash, hair spa and shampoo which till now, only core Amrutam family members have been using as a personal formula for themselves. Now, we have decided to share this gift of ours with you, to indulge in self-care, extravagantly.

The Self-Care Basket includes:

Self Care BasketKUNTAL CARE HAIR OIL (200 ML)
Revitalizes your scalp and helps in strengthening of hair roots. Useful in stopping hair loss helps hair re-growth and keeps your hair healthy and black.

An Ancient Traditional body oil, to refresh your skin. Works wonders as a massage oil.

Daily scalp cleanser that nourishes the scalp and hair. It is useful for Hair fall, Dandruff and other hair related problems. Herbal extracts in this shampoo have been used for centuries for care and cure.


Revitalizes your scalp and helps in strengthening of hair roots. Useful in stopping hair loss helps hair re-growth and keeps your hair healthy and black.
Bhringraj stimulates hair growth and prevents hair greying. Kapoor kachhari makes your hair look beautiful, and also, is useful for scalp and hair care. Balchhad improves blood circulation in the scalp, thereby, reducing hair whitening.



You can email us at [email protected] to get your Amrutam Self-Care Basket or call us at +91-8770 529 850 or you can also get your Amrutam Self-Care Basket online.

Thank you for reading.

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